365 QHSE Dashboard

Kitney Toolkit's 365 Dashboard is a powerful data visualization tool that helps organizations gain valuable insights into their WHS, quality, health, safety, and environmental performance.

Our 365 QHSE Dashboard is based on our Core 365 QHSE ystem and can be custom built to meet your needs.

The 365 QHSE Dashboard is designed for Kitney Toolkit's 365 QHSE System - SME3 and utilizes Power BI in Microsoft Power Platform to provide you with a comprehensive view of your organizational data in a user-friendly and interactive format.

$11,995.00 ex GST

Product code

Key features

Customizable styling to fit your organizational styling

5 overview dashboards to collate your data including:

  1. Documents
  2. Planning 
  3. Controls
  4. Emergencies and First Aid
  5. Reporting and Records 

23 dashboards including:

  1. Action Plan
  2. Audits and Inspections
  3. Calendar
  4. Induction and Training
  5. Chemicals
  6. Computer Use
  7. Contractors and Suppliers
  8. Customers (Quality)
  9. Driving and Remote Work
  10. Environment (Environment)
  11. Infection Control
  12. Plant and Equipment
  13. Work from Home
  14. Emergencies
  15. First Aid
  16. Hazard Reporting
  17. Incident Reporting
  18. Injury and Illness Management
  19. Nonconformance Reporting (Quality)
  20. Performance Reporting
  21. Records
  22. Risk Reporting
  23. Workers Compensation

Filtering options including year, department, locations, role and more…

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