Contractor and Supplier WHS Declaration

A Contractor and Supplier WHS Declaration asks an external company to declare they will take steps to maintain health and safety.

This Contractor and Supplier WHS Declaration provides you with a detailed questionnaire for the approval of a Contractor or Supplier and more. See Contents and Key Features for details.

Suitable for businesses who work with Contractors and Suppliers to ensure WHS responsibillites are understood and met.

$19.00 ex GST

Product code
Document type
Jul 2020

Key features

Based on

  • Australian Harmonised Legislation (ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS)
  • Model Code of Practice: Work health and safety consultation, cooperation and coordination 
  • ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
  • Can be adapted to suit other state/territory or country jurisdictions.

Content written by Work Health and Safety Professionals

  • Tried and tested in practice

Microsoft Word document

  • Professionally formatted
  • Fully editable
  • 3 pages
  • Header (document name and page numbers)
  • Footer with document control (document number and version number)
  • Document history and tracking
  • Place holders for your Company logo in headers

Document properties:

  • Document title
  • Company name populates document text [Company] when you add your Company name